3D Printing Potential and Job Possibilities

3D printing

3D (Three-dimensional) printing is an additive manufacturing process that creates a physical object from a digital design. The process works by laying down thin layers of material in the form of liquid or powdered plastic, metal or cement, and then fusing the layers together. In other words it is a layer by layer pasting of material in the form of liquid or powder. The machine used to do this job is called a 3D printer.

What are the equipment required for 3D printing ?

  1. A computer
  2. A 3d Printer
  3. 3D Models
  4. Printing material – liquid or powdered plastic, metal or cement
  5. Assorted tool kit – A 3D printer and a computer do most of the hard work, but it’s the tools that polish and perfect the models afterwards.
  6. Slicers – Slicing software turns the 3D model file into a usable set of instructions for your printer to plot in 3D.

What can be 3D printed ?

  1. Dolls
  2. Robots
  3. House
  4. Buildings
  5. Cars
  6. Computer and mobile phone parts

What are the materials cannot be 3D Printed ?

  1. Wood
  2. Cloths
  3. Paper
  4. Rocks

Careers in 3D Printing ?

  1. 3D design.
  2. 3D Computer-aided design (CAD) modelling.
  3. Research and development (R&D) .
  4. Biological and scientific modeling
  5. Architecture/construction modeling
  6. Education.
  7. Lawyers and legal professionals.
  8. Business opportunities

In conclusion three dimensional printing has a very bright future.

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